Actually it was not a dog, it was a puppy, a Golden Retriever. We named him Joey. He was 8 weeks old and looked very cute.
The breeder warned us to be aware that it will be tough in the beginning. An understatement! The first 4-6 months were a nightmare. My husband went to his office, my son went to school and I stayed with the dog. I could not leave the house for longer than 2 hours (4 months long)!! I do not know anymore how many times I cleaned the floor and carpets until I taught him to go outside to the bathroom. The big challenge was to keep him from chewing on our furniture and shoes and not to let him go upstairs.
But at the end it was worth it. Of course! Joey became a member of our family and he always warns me when we get visitors, the human but also the furry ones. He sounds like a lion, but he is a chicken. Sometime he is a pain in the neck, and once a while he takes me for a walk …
Ps. My husband just paid $220 at animal clinic today (for Joey`s check up). Like I said: our furry nightmare.
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