Friday, April 23, 2010

Help!! Bears!

The most impressive moment in my New Jersey life was seeing a black bear with my own eyes. I was absolutely unprepared, sitting in the kitchen, chatting with a friend on the phone and watching out the kitchen window… And here they were! Mama bear and two smaller bears walking slowly along our backyard fence. I was terrified, I called my neighbour who was not so excited about it and just said: When they do not come to your patio that is fine. Fortunately they did not.
My next visitor climbed even over the fence and explored which of my plants he could eat. There are not so many left because of all the deer we have constantly here. But after a while he went back into the woods too.
Meanwhile, we even saw a bear crossing a main street at the shopping center.
Last summer we were already brave enough to get outside (not to stay behind the glass doors) and watch how the small bears climbed on the tree. We enjoyed it…but just because the open door was just behind us!


  1. Watch your honey....Pooh bear had a penchant for it remember!

  2. Hi Isabella,
    I am enjoying your blog messages. Paul Weirether told me about your stories. We are now living in Wisconsin after seven different major relocations; Ohio, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Illinois, Connecticut,and Wisconsin. I know it's difficult, but it sounds like you have a great attitude and you probably make friends easily.

    My mother's family is in Belgium, near the German city of Aachen. I have many fond memories of Europe.

    Mary Unkel
