Tuesday, September 25, 2012

No fun...

"Just don't have any fun without me!" - Jakob's advice before leaving for his scout camping trip over the weekend. As parents, we always do what our son wants. And we really tried sooo hard not to have fun in the city...without success!

ps. And we even had time for some random thoughts (it's updated!)...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Window with a view

Visiting a friend in Jersey City I enjoyed this magnificent view from her apartment at the Hudson river! It seemed almost as I could reach over to Manhattan... Could you imagine to wake up with this view?!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

To be a kid...

...and play in the back yard paradise of our friends (swings and trampoline included), the next school day far away! That is what I was thinking watching our kids swinging, jumping and fighting with light sabers. What could be better than having fun with your friends! Maybe having a drink with them...ha,ha 
Thanks Tracey and Tom!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

At the US Open

Yes, we were there! And watched Andy Roddick leaving for his retirement... He lost his last game against Del Porto but not the love of the people at the court. It was very emotional, not just for him. So, though I was kind of disappointed not to see Roger Federer, this (final game for Roddick) had a special touch. Especially Jakob was very proud to witness the retirement of a tennis star. 
Surprisingly we were not a little bit disappointed to watch the women play...ha, ha. Jakob even meant their game was faster and more interesting than the mens game. What a compliment! But he was less impressed by the noise they made while playing...
Anyway, another great event in my favorite city!

Ready for the Junior High?

I prefer the name Middle School. It sounds more like something between the Elementary and the High School, there is still some time left to "grown up"... 
I am not ready for the High School, not yet. But I am sooo ready for the school to start again! It's today!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mission impossible

The lazy days are almost over, at least for Jakob. There will be no more playing with legos for the whole day, no more changing from his pajama for dining out only, no more spending the afternoons with his friends and with light saber fights and no more staying up late (!). The school starts on Thursday, in his case the Middle School.
We survived the orientation day this week and got even "mission impossible" accomplished: to open the locker (all new students nightmare). He is trying to organize his room chaos now, so he can find his clothes, and to clean up his desk - another "mission impossible". But most of all he needs to learn to work again, after almost three months vacation: double "mission impossible"...
I heard something very funny on tv this week: "It's the most wonderful time of the year...for the parents when the kids get back to school! ha, ha.

Olaf and I were already practicing to adjust to this time: with a visit in Eataly in NYC!