Our schedule was full.
Most important: they got the chance to watch Jakob's soccer game and to enjoy his saxophone play at the school concert, and they attended a scout meeting, the departure for a camping trip included. They even picked him up from school.
What else? We went to NYC (of course!), explored Brooklyn and Soho, ate at Spice Market (our favorite!).
We made it to Connecticut to visit our friends.
And to Montclaire, finally. And we did some shopping, as usual.
And shared some good dinners, good wine together (a lot of coffee) and talked for hours.
My parents truly enjoyed each minute in the USA (except the one at our yogurt ice cream place...ha,ha).
I think they understand why we decided to stay here. Hope so.
Ps. Joey looked very depressed after they left (my dad and he were best buddies...)
Oh, my sad, Joey! Nothing like a dog and his grandfather! Your parents look fabulous. What a terrific visit!