Saturday, September 11, 2010

Home again

We are back from our last trip for this summer: we visited our family in Germany. We stayed for one week, as every year, which is a short time. Our family never forgets to mention this. But even if we would stay for a month, there is always a point when we have to say bye and it is always hard, no matter for how long we would stay
. So, we enjoyed the short time we had together and tried to see as many family members and friends, as possible.
The most important thing for me was visiting my grandma, who is 91 and to her I was (and am) always very close. In this age you never know if there will be a next time, a next year… But I was happy to find my grandma in a really good shape. We enjoyed many “Coffee-hours” together in one of her favourite coffee-shops in the town. She loves to drink cappuccino. Me too.
We stayed with my in-laws in their house.
You know, there is always the same question: where do we stay over night? All our family members would like to have us, especially my parents, but in this case (and in so many others…) my husband makes the decision. However, we had a wonderful time.
Jakob played with his cousin and the kids of our friends, went swimming with my parents and got extremely spoiled, as usual. We needed an extra bag for his new toys, but I understand it, because the grandparents try to compensate for one year in one week. (We got spoiled too.) It was good to visit our friends and see how much older the kids got. They change so much, especially when we see them just once a year. But it´s not just the kids who are changing…
A nice treat for us was spending some time in Cologne, which is not just a beautiful city but a place where Olaf and I went to the university and lived afterward for six years.
We even showed Jakob the building where our “old” apartment was. And we discovered new places in Cologne too, for example Starbucks, Ben&Jerry`s…
And we walked a lot. Something I still miss in the USA. And we talked a lot! And we had many nice dinners together. And many glasses of wine. And many kisses and many hugs.
But then it was time to go home again. And here we are. Back home.

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