Thursday, July 8, 2010

A weekend at the Jersey Shore

Do you know what a boardwalk is? I mean, a real boardwalk? I thought I knew, until I arrived in Ocean City, New Jersey, last weekend. It is huge, 2.5 Miles long(!), with many walkers, bikers, families with kids, several attractions and- a lot of fun! Oh, I forgot the many, many restaurants, ice creameries (and so on) along the boardwalk, of course… Yes, we visited the New Jersey shore, finally, after living in this State for more than two years. I loved the beaches in Connecticut, so it was like “let us see what New Jersey offers”. We were not disappointed. Not at all. The beaches are gorgeous. What is not to like about the ocean?!
Our son discovered for the first time how much fun is it to jump in the waves. (My husband, too!!) Jakob had the time of his life, anyway. He spent three days with his best friend and his sister playing at the beach, swimming, riding bikes and talking until midnight. I think he did not sleep for the whole weekend… We enjoyed our friends company, who invited us to share with them two cute houses, close to the beach, which belong to their parents. We had a wonderful time, just doing nothing…Oh no, that is not exactly correct. My husband was not to stop to take a few rides on the carousels (and pretended it was because of the kids…) and to bring us fresh donuts from the boardwalk for breakfast. Yes, he called it breakfast. Of course, he was wearing his “Life is good” t-shirt, his vacation uniform. And we learned something new too, besides the experience with an American boardwalk- the meaning of a “dry city”! To be honest, I missed a glass of wine to go with a nice dinner at the ocean. There is no BYOB, also. That is the reason, probably, why you already see at 6 am joggers at the boardwalk. Not us. In the evenings, we enjoyed a comfortable, not “dry” at all, gathering with our friends, in front of the cottages, with stars above us and the smell of the ocean in our nose…That is vacation.
Ps. Oh, I forgot to mention, that Ocean City is a really nice town, with many beautiful houses and cottages, quiet corners for long walks ( if you do not prefer the busy life at the boardwalk). And I will for sure find some time to discover them at my next visit to the Jersey Shore…

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