How it all started
If somebody had told me 4 years ago that I would live in a house with black bears in the backyard, drive a Jeep and go to NY
Knicks games on Sunday I would laugh. If somebody had told me that my 9 year old son will be a proud member of American Cub Scouts and sing the national anthem with his right hand on the heart I would never believe him. If somebody had told me that we leave our whole family and our friends back in Germany and think about staying
permanently in the USA I would think he lost his mind. But here I am: living in New Jersey!
And I do not have just bears in my backyard, believe me. So many animals as here I
did not see in any of the National Parks I visited. I don`t have to mention that I (coming from a city in Germany and knowing bears just from the Zoo) was pretty shocked and terrified when I saw mama bear and two cups crossing our backyard. I could not believe that this happens just 40 miles away from NYC.
By the way, when you live in the woods of New Jersey you are more then thankful that NYC is not far: civilisation!
But I love this life. We all do. We all (my husband and our son) agree that moving to the USA was one of our best decisions. Living in a foreign country is always a great experience. You learn and discover every day something new, especially in the beginning. Simple things like grocery shopping or getting gas at the gas station can be a big challenge. Most experiences are funny and you learn to laugh about yourself.
If you are lucky (like me!)you find good and dear friends who explain you the American way of life, excuse all the mistakes you do, not just in the language. Who
patiently explain to you the same things over and over again. And who are even curious to hear about your life in Europe. Most of the time you learn so much just watching them.
Moving to the USA is for sure not so difficult like moving for example to China. But still, like I said there are so many things which are completely different, unusual. I would for sure really
appreciate it if somebody in Germany would give me a Guide for the USA for all the small things in our life. It would have done my life here much easier, probably. But maybe I would miss a lot, too.
So I decided to write for all the Europeans who want to be prepared for living in the USA. But also for all Americans who want to know something about their own country what they never really saw before. And for all of you who want to learn something about “old Europe” or just have some fun reading this.
And before I start, please excuse all my mistakes. My English is still not good enough for this small experiment here. Even my son reminds me every day how much I have to learn compared to his English. But as I know from all Hollywood movies: here is everything possible.
So, how did it all started- our big American experience…
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