My second favorite city (after NYC) !
We visited Chicago five years ago and I already loved it. Jakob was 6 years old back then, so he does not remember much. And since he is so interested in architecture and museums we took the chance to accompany Olaf on his business trip for five days. What a great time we had!!
Olaf was always busy, but we did not care, our schedule was full.

On the arrival day we walked through the Millennium Park: I could stay for hours in front of the Cloud Gate, Jakob liked the funny faces of the Crown Fountain more.
And we went to the Chicago Art Institute (love this museum!!), the best Roy Lichtenstein exhibition ever!
Second day belonged to Frank Lloyd Wright and the Hide Park, the reason why Jakob wanted to go to Chicago: to see and touch (ha,ha) the Robie House. (He read the book "Wright 3"). I have to admit, it was a good idea!
And we saw the university and visited the Smart Museum of Modern Art too.
The third day we will never forget: the day Jakob lost the case with all his ds games (about 20) in a taxi...I tried everything to get it back but without success...After a lot of crying he decided he wants still to see the Museum of Science and Industry. Oh, boy, I thought I will have to sleep there - the best museum for kids!
The next two days we did a lot of walking to see more of Chicago's impressive architecture.
We were riding the water taxi at Lake Michigan and made it even to the Museum of Nature and History.
And we got two new ds games for Jakob.
And we tried some really good restaurants and many wonderful cafe's in the city, of course! Chicago, we are coming back next year!!