Monday, June 28, 2010

Thank you, governor Christie!!

Thank you, governor Christie, for cutting our school budget!! The most important reason we moved to our town was the great school system. Everybody said that it is a good area to raise kids. This is different now. Instead of 19 students in the elementary school class there will be 25, in the middle school even 35!! The specials are canceled for first and second grade: no art, no library, no music and no gym. We have to pay for all after school activities and for all sports at the middle and high school. And for the school bus! Students who live closer than 2 miles away from the school are supposed to walk. There are not even sidewalks! Many teachers will lose their jobs, one school will be closed, and the Recreation Department also.
Someone said once, that every nation is just so strong as her education system. We should think about it. But I think the governor does not have to, his kids are going to private schools.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I am getting nervous. I think most of the moms do this week. And excited. The reason: vacation time is starting soon. No more walks after dropping off kids at school, no lunch with friends, no quiet time anymore. We have to get used to having the kids at home for the whole day again…Sometimes not so easy. We try to plan the time ahead, sign up for sport and scout camps to keep our kids busy and active. And it is important because the vacation is very long: 2.5 months. But! But sometimes we should just let it go. I mean just hang out, start the day with no plan, see what comes… Yes, it sounds risky. But what an unusual experience, even for us adults, to live for a short time without a schedule… Sounds like - vacation!

Fathers Day

Just on time for Fathers day interesting news from Sweden: 85 percent of fathers now take parental leave! “Those who do not stay home face questions from family and friends.” (The NYT/ 06/15 /10). Yes, Sweden was always a very progressive country. They truly deserve the Fathers Day. How ever, we will celebrate soon, too. I asked my husband what he wishes to do. Should I make a reservation in a nice restaurant or something else, more adventurous? Guess, what he answered: a barbeque in his own back yard… I smile already picturing him wearing his favourite “Life is good” t-shirt, standing at the grill with a glass of beer…What a cliché! But obviously a real “man-thing”. And I love to see him so relaxed and happy.
The Swedish speak about redefining Manhood. Not here, not right now.
Happy Fathers Day!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Having good time

My parents are back in Germany again…The three weeks they spent here went so fast. Like my son always says: “The time is just flying by if you are having good time”. And we did. We talked for hours and hours, went for long walks at the lake, had nice lunches and dinners together and enjoyed the garden and just being together. Jakob played with grandpa soccer and with grandma Monopoly, unfortunately with his own made up rules…He jumped in their bed early every morning and “entertained” them until he had to go to school. And they spoiled him, of course, as all grandparents do, especially since they live far away.

Even our dog got a special treatment. Not just secretly (as my mom thought) some extra chicken, but also many belly rubs and long walks with my dad. Joey and he got to be really good friends. He seems depressed after my father left… Of course, I took my parents for small trips to show them the area. They just loved it!! Their favourite was driving the country roads and look at all those cute houses and front yards, farms and small villages. They always said that driving in the USA is so relaxing (which is true), nobody is pushing, and there is so much space! We found even places where we got coffee in real mugs, no paper cups (ha,ha- European thing)!

And my father discovered his love for kayaking. He and my husband went even for a kayak trip on Delaware River! Not bad for somebody who is 65 and does not exercise at all. He had a lot of fun taking a kayak trip at the lake and meeting me and mom for lunch on the other side. “How can life get any better if you just have to take a kayak to go for lunch”-dad.

After a while they got very adventurous and went by themselves for a trip to Washington. I was proud of them because their English is very poor and they never traveled before through the USA, just always with us. But they made it and they had the time of their lives there. It was Memorial Day weekend, so they were able to watch the parade. It was obviously the best one what they ever saw. My mom said it was so emotional that they had tears in their eyes. Unfortunately it was the hottest weekend, also… But with a couple of water bottles they enjoyed all highlights of Washington.
I think the war memorials and the Museum of American History impressed them most. The whole trip was truly a lesson in American History. Of course, they did not expect to find such a beautiful city, even I told them so… They still remember the good restaurant they went to every evening in Georgetown. And they even managed to order the food… And as always when they are visiting us they went for a day to NYC. This time they watched Manhattan from the water and waved to the Statue of Liberty.
What else did they do? What all parents do: they helped us! Our landscaping is finally done after two years. Thanks mom and dad! My husband is just wondering how we will manage to keep our garden in the shape they left it... I guess they have to come back soon.
And, of course, my parents got to meet all our new friends and to visit the “old” ones from Connecticut. (By the way, very close friends of us will stay in my parents house while visiting Germany.) They are happy to know that we surrounded by good friends, live in a beautiful area and enjoy it. So, even if it is hard to say Bye to each other, and some tears are falling, we are just sad for a moment. Because, as my parents say, to know your child is happy, makes up for everything, even living far apart. Ps. And the volcano kept quiet, too…